Das Galeriegrab Calden I

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Dirk Raetzel-Fabian


Within the scope of the Calden project, features and finds of the gallery grave Calden I, which had been originally excavated in 1948, were re-examined. Based on typological considerations (affinities to Baalberge and probably Michelsberg) and radiocarbon dates on human skeletal remains, its construction can be dated to c. 3400 BC or perhaps somewhat before. Despite the striking similarity between Calden I and II regarding architecture and burial rites, the use of Calden I seems to end with the construction of grave II and phase B of the Calden enclosure.

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Raetzel-Fabian 2012: D. Raetzel-Fabian, Das Galeriegrab Calden I. JNA, 2012. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12766/jna.1999.59.