The Roman Period Weaponry in the Lower Oder Region. The Example of a Cemetery in Czelin (Zellin), Mieszkowice Commune, Gryfino County, Site 23

Published: 2014-01-01 | DOI: 10.54799/ONWX3713


A cemetery in Czelin, Mieszkowice commune, Gryfino county, site 23 has been excavated since 2005. Until 2015 the site’s total area of 52.75 ares has been revealed where 170 features were recorded, including 107 graves. Items of the weaponry occurred in 21 graves (20%); further 10 specimen of weapons were found without context. The chronology of the cemetery is set from phase A3 to phase C1b. The current collection of the weaponry from Czelin consists of 3 single-edged swords, 3 double-edged swords, 20 heads of the pole weapons, 17 shield umbos, 12 shield handles, 4 spurs and 2 arrowheads. The single-edged swords are classified as types B.1, D.1 and D.2 by Biborski which can be dated to B1B2 phases. Among the double-edged swords there is one of Lachmirowice-Apa type as well as imported swords of Vimose-Illerup type and a gladius representing the Pompeii type, for which no analogies have been found yet in the immediate area. 20 heads of the pole weapons, similarly to other cemeteries, are the largest and the most morphologically diverse group of the weaponry. They can only be discussed briefly at the current stage of research. There are four groups among the heads according to the typology by Ryszard and Maria Danuta Wolagiewicz: laurel-shaped, delta-shaped, lance-shaped and variant A of slender heads. 17 umbos from Czelin generally represent types 57 by Jahn, which is typical of the Lower Oder region. The stylistics is dominated by the Przeworsk culture, however, also local forms can be indicated. Out of 12 shield handles, the most noteworthy are stylistically diverse specimens of type 7 by Jahn, also made of bronze which indicates they are of the Elbe provenance or relatively Scandinavian. The last finds from the Czelin weapon collection are two arrowheads and 4 spurs. The weaponry from Czelin shows strong influence of the Przeworsk culture with the presence of elements from the Elbe region, relatively from Scandinavia.

How to Cite

Rogalski, Bartłomiej. 2014. “The Roman Period Weaponry in the Lower Oder Region. The Example of a Cemetery in Czelin (Zellin), Mieszkowice Commune, Gryfino County, Site 23”. EAZ – Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift 55 (1/2):157-87.
Czelin, Fndst. 23. The swords
Czelin, Fndst. 23. The swords
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