Der Großdolmen Lüdelsen 3 in der westlichen Altmark (Sachsen-Anhalt) – Baugeschichte, Rituale und Landschaftsrekonstruktion

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Denis Demnick
Sarah Diers
Hans-Rudolf Bork
Barbara Fritsch
Johannes Müller
Arno Beyer
Jan-Piet Brozio
Ercan Erkul
Helmut Kroll
Edeltraud Tafel


The megalithic tomb Lüdelsen 3 was excavated in 2007 within the frame of the project „Megalithic landscapes of the Altmark“. A complex architectural and depositional history of one of the earliest Funnel Beaker chambered cairns (ca. 3600 cal BC) was decoded. Both early to late Funnel Beaker activities as well as a Single Grave burial could be reconstructed. The architecture and functional change was synchronised to changing local environs. The building ground was subject to deforestation und reforestation activities, related to differential ritual activities. Forest covered the surroundings of the megalithic tomb and the monument itself during most parts of the Neolithic. Accordingly, the tomb could not function as a territorial marker. In spite of a wide range of ritual activities as documented inside the chamber and at the surrounding mound, the number of deposited items is limited. This is in clear contrast to ritual activities at passage graves, within which larger assemblages of artefacts were deposited.

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How to Cite
Demnick et al. 2008: D. Demnick/S. Diers/H.-R. Bork/B. Fritsch/J. Müller/A. Beyer/J.-P. Brozio/E. Erkul/H. Kroll/E. Tafel, Der Großdolmen Lüdelsen 3 in der westlichen Altmark (Sachsen-Anhalt) – Baugeschichte, Rituale und Landschaftsrekonstruktion. JNA, 2008. DOI: