Sekundäre Überarbeitung dünnnackiger Flintbeile der Trichterbecherkultur im nördlichen Schleswig Holstein

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Philip Lüth


Thin Butted Axes are one of the most important typological artefacts of the Funnel Beaker Culture in South Scandinavia. A lot of research has been done on these objects in the past fifty years. New insights into this group of artefacts could be made by statistical analysis of nearly 2000 Thin Butted Axes from northern Schleswig-Holstein. The main points of interest were the comparison of length and thickness measurements of different modified axes. The investigations reveal new aspects on the daily use of these tools.

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How to Cite
Lüth 2012: P. Lüth, Sekundäre Überarbeitung dünnnackiger Flintbeile der Trichterbecherkultur im nördlichen Schleswig Holstein. JNA, 2012. DOI: