A Typological Classification of Megaliths of Mizoram

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_ Malsawmliana


The practice of raising megalithic monuments is a tradition of the Mizos in early society. Since the purpose and significance of the megalithic tradition in society differed from tribe to tribe and from culture to culture, the Mizos used wood or stone, or both, as memorials to the dead and to the living. Different types of megaliths were available throughout the state, some of which were upright stones, alignments, table stones, cairns, and the like. Therefore, there was a need to undertake a thorough study of megaliths in Mizoram. Thus the paper attempts to classify the megalithic monuments of Mizoram based on typology/megalithic structure.

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Malsawmliana 2019: _ Malsawmliana, A Typological Classification of Megaliths of Mizoram. JNA, 2019, 125–134. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12766/jna.2019S.8.